Fusion II, III | 31 January – 3 February 2025

Fusion II and III the Good Virtue Energies forming a Compassion Pearl in the Creation Cycle using the organ colors. You will learn how to detoxify the organs and glands by opening up the Thrusting Channels and protecting yourself by forming psychic Belt Channels drawing in the Heavenly and Earthly forces.
Fusion II is an advanced level of Inner Alchemy that teaches how to bring the physical body into balance with the energy body and the positive energy to detoxify, nourish, and integrate the physical and the energy bodies with the forces of nature.
Fusion of the Five Elements II allows you to learn to move the “pearl of radiant energy” (created in Fusion l) through your internal organs, multiplying the natural virtues that reside there. With this vital energy, you can open the Thrusting Channel Routes, which run through the center of your body, linking the “energy centers”, and open the Belt Channels, which spiral around the whole body, strengthening the auric field and providing a form of psychic protection.
The Fusion III meditation opens the Greater Bridge and Regulator Channels, Spinal Cord, Head, and Heart, using cutting and drilling techniques to clean out any energy blockages. The student learns to protect the body from external energies by Sealing the Senses and Aura and receiving the higher frequencies of the Universal Force.