Cosmic Fusion: Fusion of the 8 Forces – Mantak Chia Courses Cosmic Fusion: Fusion of the 8 Forces – Mantak Chia Courses

Cosmic Fusion: Fusion of the 8 Forces

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This booklet gives you the explanation of the Cosmic Fusion theory and step-by-step instruction of the Cosmic Fusion Practices with Growing the Good Virtues and Compassion, Thrusting Channels and Belt Channels. There are 53 pages with over 20 color illustrations and images.

This booklet explains the procedures to be followed to grow good virtue and compassion energy and to open and cleanse the Thrusting Channels and the Belt Channel.

These practices follow up from Master Chia’s first book in the Fusion Series, Fusion of the Five Elements, where practices to draw out, blend, purify (using the pakuas) and transform negative energies into another plane, the Mid-Plane.