Taoist Healing Love: Cultivating Female Sexual Energy – Mantak Chia Courses Taoist Healing Love: Cultivating Female Sexual Energy – Mantak Chia Courses

Taoist Healing Love: Cultivating Female Sexual Energy

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Taoism explains that the major way men lose energy is through ejaculation, while women’s major loss of energy occurs through menstruation, and not through sexual intercourse. For a young, healthy woman, this means an additional energy expenditure as she carries on her daily business.

Assuming that a woman starts having periods at age twelve and continues through menopause in her fifties, she could have as many as 300 to 500 menstrual periods in her lifetime. Each month the ovaries produce an egg that contains highly perfected creative energy.

A great deal of energy also goes into creating necessary hormones as well as the uterine lining, which provides a nest for a fertilized egg. If we consider our tremendous population today we cannot afford many children, but we can afford one or two. This means we use only one or two eggs.

The remaining 300 to 500 highly charged eggs are eliminated. This expenditure accounts for 30 to 40 percent of a woman’s daily energy allotment. If this sexual energy is continually permitted to pour outward, she loses 30 to 40 percent of her life-force energy.

However: there is a way to preserve, cultivate and transform this precious energy into healing and rejuvenating life-force for the organs, glands and brain. In this book you will discover the ancient time-tested Taoist methods for female sexual energy transformation and cultivation.