UHT Hundred Day Program for Opening the Microcosmic Orbit Practice – Mantak Chia Courses UHT Hundred Day Program for Opening the Microcosmic Orbit Practice – Mantak Chia Courses

UHT Hundred Day Program for Opening the Microcosmic Orbit Practice

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This booklet gives you a step-by-step detail explanation and practices for a Student Home Instruction in Hundred Days and with Guidelines for Practicing Microcosmic, Summary on Opening the Microcosmic Orbit with Mind/Eye Spiraling (Touching, Breath and Color), Intermediate and Advanced Levels of the Microcosmic Orbit Meditation, Circulating the Light in the Orbit and a Complete Summary at the end of the chapter. There are 35 pages with over 50 color illustrations and images.

Universal Healing Tao Hundred Day Program for Opening Microcosmic Orbit Practice

In this booklet you will find all the information needed to begin the Living Tao Practices for your first few weeks after having been introduced to the entire Microcosmic Orbit Meditation and it is very important that you try to practice diligently. You can divide your practice into several sections. Your training should be progressive; that is, once you have mastered one section, you can progress on to the next.

Be sure to spend at least one or two weeks on each section as shown in this booklet, allowing enough time to thoroughly mastering each part before adding on the next section. Remember that you should always do the Chi Kung Warm-Ups before going on into the mediation; it is very important to loosen your spine before meditation.