Chi Nei Tsang I Internal Organ Massage | 4 August – 7 August 2023 – Mantak Chia Courses Chi Nei Tsang I Internal Organ Massage | 4 August – 7 August 2023 – Mantak Chia Courses

Chi Nei Tsang I Internal Organ Massage | 4 August – 7 August 2023

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Chi Nei Tsang is a Taoist organ detox massage, with a focus on the abdominal area. It’s famous for its exceptional effectiveness and immediate benefits – one of the most powerful treatment modalities available. It removes physical and emotional blockages to return body systems to healthy functioning. Each organ contains part of the primordial force. When an organ’s accumulated negative emotions and toxins are released, the organ can more effectively draw in the primordial force and regenerate itself. These can constrict the flow of chi, eventually resulting in physical ailments.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Release and clear blockages, toxins, excessive heat and negative emotions deep within
  • Release long-held stress in the body for optimum vitality
  • Strengthen the immune system.

What You Will Get

  • 4-days workshop
  • 22 hours of video lessons
  • A mix of practical exercises and theory
  • Morning Qigong routine
  • Booklets written by Mantak Chia