In Depth Inner Sexual Alchemy & Iron Shirt Qigong 1 | 14-17 July 2023 – Mantak Chia Courses In Depth Inner Sexual Alchemy & Iron Shirt Qigong 1 | 14-17 July 2023 – Mantak Chia Courses

In Depth Inner Sexual Alchemy & Iron Shirt Qigong 1 | 14-17 July 2023

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Sexual energy provides an extremely powerful means for physical rejuvenation and accessing a higher spiritual energy. Master Chia unveils how to recycle your life-essence in order to increase longevity, improve your quality of life and love-making. More sexual energy will help to attract and multiply the primordial Qi. Men learn how to control ejaculation and to transform the sexual energy into Qi and then transform it up to spirit force. Women learn how to control menstruation and transform the blood into Qi and likewise transform it up to spirit force. Mantak Chia’s most popular class! 

Learn how to:

  • Recycle your sexual energy to increase health & longevity
  • Improve your quality of life and love-making
  • Become multi-orgasmic

What You Will Get

  • 4-days workshop
  • 22 hours of video lessons
  • A mix of practical exercises and theory
  • Morning Qigong routine
  • Booklet written by Mantak Chia