Qigong instructor Level 2 | Self-paced course
This package of workshops is perfect for those who wish to deepen their practice or for those who wish to upgrade to Inner Alchemy Qigong Instructor Level 2.
How to get certified?
Requirements for certification: Certified in Inner Alchemy Qigong Level 1 in all 4 disciplines, teaching and practice for minimum 6 months (Level 1).
After participation in this self-pace workshop you should schedule an Evaluation private session (2 to 3 hrs) or 2 days group workshop (both can be done online). To get certified you need to pass at least 1 of the 4 disciplines of Level 2, upgrading any time when ready.
Level 2 disciplines:
- Tan Tien Qigong (key TTQ)
- Tao Yin Qigong (key TYQ)
- Cosmic Healing Qigong (key CHQ)
- Golden Elixir Qigong (key GEQ)
Evaluation can be done with Senior Instructor Level 1 or 2 or updated Certified Instructor (min. 2 years of teaching practice required)
To learn more about the certification steps to become an Instructor, please click here.
If you have any queries please contact info@universaltaoinstructors.com
This package includes:
- Nov 20th- 21th 2021 | Tan Tien Qigong & Cosmic Healing Qigong (Part 1 & 2)
- Nov 22nd-23rd 2021 | Tao Yin Qigong & Cosmic Healing Qigong (Part 3 & 4)
- Nov 27th-28th 2021 | Golden Elixir Qigong (Five Finger Kungfu)
€310.00Add to cart
Workshop 1 | Tan Tien Qigong & Cosmic Healing Qigong Parts 1&2
The Lower Tan Tien is the energy reservoir of the body – the bio-battery. It is the center of activation and balancing of primal energies. The Tan Tien is a container of Qi and deserves adequate attention for its essential role in our energy management. Discover the power of your Tan Tien as you learn the 11 animal postures and the Tiger and Dragon Breath in this grounding, centering Qigong form.
Learn to:
- Increase the power in your perineum – and prevent energy leakage
- Develop internal Qi Pressure, strengthening your organs and fasciae
- Nourish your center and refine your energies and emotions
- Provide grounding and structure to advance in all levels of the Universal Tao practices
Cosmic Healing Qigong (Parts 1 & 2)
This form, also known as Buddha Palm, is an art of channeling pure cosmic Qi for healing using your mind-eye power. It trains the practitioner in moving and channeling Qi. As you learn this form, you’ll feel Qi coming into your body and hands and be able to project Qi with your fingers. The key is to be connected to the Universe and develop an ability to expand your awareness to nature and beyond the visible to the Source of your power.
You learn how to project Qi through the space in the cosmos, the space between your hands and how to project Qi through the space to others for physical, emotional and spiritual healing.
Workshop 2 | Tao Yin Qigong & Cosmic Healing Qigong (Part 3 & 4)
Tao Yin comprises a series of revitalizing stretching exercises and certain postures that develop flexibility, strength, resiliency, and suppleness.
Tao Yin postures relax and open the spine, the psoas muscle, the thoracic area and the diaphragm. Breathing and mindful intention while practicing help to release toxins and create harmony within the body, mind, and spirit.
Tao Yin can be used for physical, emotional, and spiritual cultivation. The ultimate goal of practicing these ancient Taoist exercises is to become soft, pure, responsive, and full of energy, like a child.
Learn to:
- Strengthen the internal organs
- Unify physical, mental and spiritual health
- Develop elasticity in your spine and psoas
- Allow the free flow of energy/Qi/life-force
- Establish roots to the earth’s energy and build the foundation for higher spiritual work
Cosmic Healing Qigong (Parts 3 & 4)
Cosmic Healing Qigong is split into 4 parts – each part develops a different type of energy mastery.
- Part 3: Opening the Functional, Governor and Thrusting Channels – here you’ll learn to enhance the energy in the points along the channels, the reservoirs of yin and yang in your body. As part of this process you become much more sensitive to Qi.
- Part 4: Activate One-Finger Art and your Qi Belt – finally you’ll learn the yin and yang channels of the arm and activate the Qi belt around the waist. You will develop mastery of emitting and directing energy from your fingers.
Workshop 3 | Golden Elixir Qigong (Five Finger Kungfu)
The practice of Elixir Qigong uses the energies of the hair, sense organs and saliva to strengthen the physical body. Golden elixir, also known as nectar, is the fountain of life. This is the mixture of saliva, other hormonal fluids and external essences that, when mixed, becomes an elixir. This elixir is a major transformer for higher spiritual work and has the power to heal oneself. Elixir Qigong practice involves breathwork, swallowing saliva and techniques of internal power using the fingers and palms (known as Five Finger Gongfu). It also includes a hair breathing practice – the hairs act as antennae – radiating out to nature and the Universe and drawing in energy.
In this workshop you’ll learn to:
- Gain health benefits when you combine Qi and oxygen with saliva
- Transform sexual energy into Qi by combining sexual hormones and saliva
- Absorb the essence of Nature elixir, Cosmic elixir and Universal Elixir
- Draw Universal Qi and surplus energy back into the body by breathing through your hair
- Increase internal power and strengthen your fingers
- Store the potent elixir in the Tan Tien and build energy reserves